Hello, I am Fanny Hamelin!
Savon specimen
Giana specimen
Selva specimen
Limerick specimen
Garnier specimen
purchase Savon (PoW)
purchase Giana (on demand)
purchase Selva (Colophon)
purchase Limerick (PoW)
purchase Garnier (PoW)
Paris, France
I’m a type designer. I design, develop and produce typefaces, custom alphabets, letterings. I work as a freelancer for various type foundries, graphic designers and institutions, such as NaN, Formagari, HB Type, Baldinger•Vu-Huu, Typofonderie, Black Foundry, F451 Studio, Alice Gavin Services, Ballet National de Marseille, ICART… On this website, you’ll find all my typefaces, their specimen, and the link to purchase them.
In 2023, we launched the type foundry Proof of Words, together with Léo Guibert. We consider Proof of Words as a meeting point to publish our typefaces or research and invite other type designers to collaborate!
If you’d like to collaborate with me for one of your project, if you need typographic consulting or support, if you want more information about my fonts or if you want to give them a try, please get in touch.